PoligonCast for foundry

  • Authors: A.V. Monastyrsky, Vlasov Yu.B.
  • Source: Foundry. 2022. No. 8 P. 31 – 37.
  • Abstract: The main capabilities of the PoligonCast computer modeling system for foundry processes and the stages of work in it are described. The features of the latest version of the software product are discussed separately: what’s new in the fill and stress-strain state solvers, what’s new in the preprocessor and waste generator. An analysis of the convergence of the results of filling and stress modeling with experimental data was carried out.


Application of the Niyama criterion to predict the shrinkage porosity of shaped castings

  • Authors: E.S. Ivanina, V.P. Monastic.
  • Source: Procurement production in mechanical engineering. 2021. Vol. 19. No. 12.
  • Abstract: A technique has been developed for determining the critical value of the Niyama criterion based on a computational experiment. It has been established that the critical value of the Niyama criterion depends on the cooling conditions of the alloy and therefore is applicable only to this technological process. The critical values of the Niyama criterion for castings from ML10 and 14Kh17N2L alloys when casting into permanent metal molds and molds from cold-hardening mixtures have been determined. The results obtained were confirmed on a shaped casting of complex geometric shape.

Using the PoligonCast computer modeling system for foundry processes (SCM LP) version 2020.0

  • Authors: N. I. Gabelchenko, V. F. Zharkova, N. P. Zhiltsov, A. A. Belov
  • Source: News of the Volgograd State Technical University, series “Metallurgy”, 2021. No. 7 (254). P.92-95.
  • Abstract: The article considered the possibility of using the PoligonCast computer modeling system for foundry processes to create and optimize foundry technology.

Computer modeling of strain dispersion in the method of combating hot cracks

  • Authors: V.D. Ilyukhin, A.V. Monastic.
  • Source: Foundry. 2021. No. 3 P. 29 – 34.
  • Abstract: The article presents the design of the casting mold, the grade of the aluminum-based casting alloy and other technological parameters. The experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of the strain dispersal method for Al alloys during die casting. The simulation of the described experiment was carried out using the PoligonCast computer simulation system for foundry processes. A general description of the applied mathematical model of the stress-strain state of the casting is given, the modeling results are shown and they are compared with the experimental results.


Simulation of the centrifugal casting process of a pump impeller blank

  • Authors: Neverova N.V., Malgavko D.S.
  • Source: Scientific perspective: the problem of interpreting knowledge in the modern educational process: Collection of scientific papers. – Kazan: LLC “CitEvent”, 2020. – P. 149-153.
  • Abstract: The article discusses the main stages of computer modeling of the centrifugal casting process using the PoligonCast computer modeling system for foundry processes in the manufacture of a wheel blank for a working centrifugal pump. A visualization of the results of modeling the processes of pouring metal into a mold and crystallization of the casting is presented.

Analysis of the casting process using the PoligonCast computer modeling system for foundry processes

  • Authors: Vdovin R. A.
  • Source: Program of the Thirteenth All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (with international participation) “The Future of Mechanical Engineering in Russia.” – Moscow, 2020.
  • Abstract: The results of this article are aimed at solving an important technological problem associated with a significant amount of defects in the foundry production of the “Internal Housing” part. The scientific component of this work is associated, first of all, with the development of complex and reliable computer models (digital twin models) of the technological process of manufacturing part castings, which make it possible, through multivariate numerical studies, to select optimal technological modes and LPS designs to obtain castings of the required quality.

Results of using the domestic software product "PoligonCast" in education and science

  • Authors: Vdovin R. A.
  • Source: Program of the international congress “Modern problems of computer and information sciences”. – Moscow, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2020.
  • Abstract: This article discusses the issue related to the use of computer modeling systems for technological processes in relation to the educational and scientific spheres. In connection with progressive digitalization, the use of promising information technologies is becoming a minimum and sufficient condition for the development of the social order. The development and implementation of a wide range of primarily domestic software turns out to be a paramount tool in the modern world of digital and IT technologies. The use of modern software products in the educational process when performing laboratory and practical work allows students to develop digital competencies in accordance with the requirements of educational standards.

Results of computer modeling of shrinkage microporosity in a body casting made of ML10 alloy

  • Authors: A.V. Koltygin, V.E. Bazhenov, Yu.V. Tselovalnik, V.D. Belov, V.A. Yudin
  • Source: Foundry. 2020. No. 8 P. 23 – 27.
  • Abstract: Using ProCast and PoligonCast computer modeling systems for casting processes, the possibility of predicting interdendritic porosity when producing hydrodense body castings from magnesium alloy ML10 is considered. The simulation results are compared with the real picture of the distribution of microporosity in cast housings of hydraulic drives made of Mg alloys, manufactured at PJSC AK Rubin by casting into molds from a cold-hardening mixture (CMC).

Study of the final stages of the technological process of producing diesel cylinder castings using a computational experiment

  • Authors: A.V. Grunichev, D.V. Pavlov, A.N. Podjemshchikov, R.N. Khmelev.
  • Source: News of Tula State University. Technical science. 2020. Issue. 5 pp. 305 – 311.
  • Abstract: The results of a study of the process of producing an air-cooled 1Ch9.5/8.0 diesel cylinder cast iron using mathematical models of the casting process and the formation of defects during crystallization and cooling of the melt in the mold using the SKM software package are presented. LP "PoligonCast".

Modeling of crystallization processes and structure formation of a hypereutectoid steel roll

  • Authors: K.N. Vdovin, N.A. Feoktistov, I.V. Mikhalkina, D.A. Gorlenko, A.I. Norets.
  • Source: Theory and technology of metallurgical production. 2020. No. 1(32). pp. 18-25.
  • Abstract: The purpose of the work was to study the processes of crystallization of the casting of a rolling roll, to describe the patterns of formation of the microstructure of roll steel, made on the basis of the chemical composition of grade 150ХНМ. The work logically consists of two parts - computer modeling of casting processes in the manufacture of a rolling roll, as well as computer modeling of the structure formation of a casting from various modifications of the specified steel grade.


Improving technological preparation for the production of railway castings

  • Authors: Broitman O.A., Savushkin R.A., Borodin S.A., Ioffe M.A.
  • Source: Proceedings of the XII international scientific and practical conference “Foundry production today and tomorrow”. SPb., 2018, p. 332-340
  • Abstract: At the forefront of the introduction of digital technologies in the railway industry is the concept of building “smart cars” and using telemetry systems to collect and process data accumulated as rolling stock is used. Work to improve the quality of castings produced for the needs of railway engineering at the present stage also requires the introduction of digital technologies into the production process and its preparation. However, for different components of projects for the development, adjustment and serial production of castings, the degree of completeness of the implementation of this task that is possible today is different.


Study of the processes of formation of properties of sand cores

  • Authors: Broitman O.A., Babkov D.S., Belozerov S.A., Petrov A.I., Ioffe M.A.
  • Source: Foundryman of Russia. 2017. No. 10. P. 38-40.
  • Abstract: The density of casting molds and cores is a key indicator of their quality and the basis of a set of performance characteristics. Based on the known density field, it is possible to predict the thermal and filtration properties unevenly distributed in the volume of a shape or rod, and for some materials, the characteristics of mechanical properties. The mentioned properties of materials are part of the information support for numerical calculations of the formation of castings in computer modeling systems of foundry processes (SCM LP), therefore, the availability of information on the distribution of mixture density in the volume of sand cores and molds ultimately makes it possible to increase the accuracy of modeling foundry technology.


Calculation of residual stresses of cast workpieces in SCM LP "PoligonCast"

  • Authors: A.V. Monastyrsky, Ph.D. (CSoft).
  • Source: Mechanical engineering.
  • Abstract: When creating and implementing a technological process for producing a casting, technologists rarely pay attention to issues related to its stress-strain state (SSS). In this case, the occurrence of stresses and deformations during the solidification of the melt in the mold is inevitable, and their impact on the quality of the casting is always negative. It should be noted that the use of computer modeling systems for foundry processes (SCM LP) is quite common in Russia and many of them, to one degree or another, have functionality and mathematical models for calculating the VAT of castings.


Development of technology for manufacturing castings in sand molds with uneven density

  • Authors: Broitman O.A., D.S. Babkov, Schwartz D.R., Ioffe M.A.
  • Source: Proceedings of the XII Congress of Foundry Workers of Russia. Nizhny Novgorod, 2015. pp. 412-416.
  • Abstract: Numerical analysis using computer modeling systems for foundry processes (CMF) has now become a traditional procedure in the development of casting production technology. The main trend in the development of this approach in the design of foundry technology is to increase the adequacy of computer analysis associated with the improvement of existing and development of new models for predicting the conditions for the formation of casting quality, as well as paying special attention to the accuracy of the physical and physicochemical characteristics of materials introduced in the calculations. A positive impact on the quality of casting analysis can be had by introducing into the initial data information about the unevenly distributed temperature-dependent characteristics of the material of the molds and cores.


Development of scientific foundations for modeling the crystallization of castings with a directional and equiaxed structure

  • Authors: Valery Petrovich Monastyrsky.
  • Source: Mechanical engineering.
  • Abstract: The dissertation is devoted to the scientific and technical problem of improving the technology for manufacturing critical castings, as well as reducing the costs of developing technology and producing the first set of castings for experimental products of new technology. The relevance of this problem will constantly increase due to rising prices for metal, auxiliary materials and electricity, while simultaneously striving to reduce production costs.


Computer modeling of the stress state of molds for high-alloy steel ingots

  • Authors: Panteleeva A., Kovalevich E.
  • Source: CADmaster No. 2, 2013, p. 41-43.
  • Abstract: Analysis of the reasons for the destruction of molds shows that on average 40-45% of molds are rejected due to the formation of cracks, 40-45% - due to deterioration of the internal surface, 10-15% - due to erosion and about 5% come out of malfunctioning due to mechanical damage. Small molds for special steels are rejected due to cracks in 70-80% of cases. The formation of cracks in molds occurs as a result of the metal reaching the limiting values of deformation and stress, which depend on the structure of the metal, heating temperature and loading conditions and are realized by shear deformation in stress concentration zones.


Production of large forging ingots without axial shrinkage defects in a modified mold

  • Authors: Broitman O.A.
  • Source: Metallurgy and mechanical engineering. 2012. No. 5. P. 43-46.
  • Abstract: A typical defect in forging ingots is axial shrinkage looseness associated with a violation of the directional solidification regime during the formation of the cast billet. It is proposed to change the design of the mold by creating pockets in its upper part, which are filled with heat-insulating material (foundry sand). The correct choice of the location of pockets and heat insulator allows you to change the heat removal from the ingot in such a way as to reliably ensure compliance with the directional solidification regime. The proposed economical solution makes it possible to obtain ingots that are practically free from shrinkage defects by controlling their solidification regime.


Computer modeling of the processes of formation of large forging ingots

  • Authors: O.A. Broitman, A.V. Monastyrsky, A.N. Malginov, E.V. Makarycheva, D.Yu. Saraev
  • Source: FOUNDRY WORKER OF RUSSIA, 2011, No. 10, p. 7-15
  • Abstract: Large steel forging ingots are used as blanks in the production of high-power turbine rotors, rolling rolls, etc. These parts must have a homogeneous structure, be distinguished by uniform distribution and a high level of mechanical properties, and not contain discontinuities. Steel ingot casting technologies are continuously optimized to improve their efficiency and product quality. Computer modeling can be an effective research method when searching for ways to improve technological solutions, allowing for virtual testing of the parameters of casting technology, saving on possible losses associated with the practical implementation of unsuccessful solutions, and minimizing the launch time for production. This work is devoted to a comprehensive computer analysis of traditional technologies for casting large steel forge ingots. Among the considered processes occurring during the formation of ingots: hydrodynamics of filling the cavity of the casting equipment, solidification of the metal, heat exchange and mechanical interactions in the ingot-equipment system, the formation of shrinkage porosity and cavities, the occurrence of segregation, feeding of the ingot. The study was carried out using modern commercial foundry process simulation systems, and also used some original software applications. One of the goals of the study was to develop recommendations for optimizing the casting process of the considered ingots. The simulation results were compared with experimental data. Based on the results of these comparisons, if necessary,


Introduction of modern methods of development and optimization of technological processes in foundry production

  • Authors: A.V. Monastic.
  • Source: Foundry, 2010, No. 5, pp. 5 – 8. CADmaster, 2010, No. 2, pp. 62-64.
  • Abstract: Reasonable and efficient use of all resources while maintaining (and even increasing) the quality of products is probably the dream of any enterprise manager. Realization of a dream ensures not only a reduction in the cost of manufactured products, but also an increase in demand and increased competitiveness. In our market times, every defective part, every kilogram of wasted material leads to a drop in the enterprise’s profit, employee wages, loss of qualified personnel, and production stoppage. The need to improve product quality while simultaneously reducing the consumption of all resources: metal, gas, water, electricity is absolutely obvious.


Prediction of the formation of hot cracks and calculation of warping of castings in SCM LP "PoligonCast"

  • Authors: A.V. Monastyrsky, A.F. Smykov, V.A. Pankratov, M.B. Soloviev.
  • Source: Foundry, 2009, No. 10, pp. 24 – 27. CADmaster, 2009, No. 5, pp. 46-49.
  • Abstract: Modeling the stress-strain state (SSS) of a casting is one of the stages in the development of the technological process for casting a shaped product. Ignoring this stage increases the risk of defects such as hot and cold cracks and warping in castings. The reasons for the formation of the listed defects are known and depend on the alloy, mold flexibility, casting geometry, design of the gating-feeding system, temperature conditions of the casting process, etc. Eliminating them experimentally, using the “trial and error” method, can be a lengthy and ineffective process.


Using of the casting simulation system “PoligonCast” for analysis of a temperature field of aluminum alloys.

  • Authors: J.Bast, Y.Kotova
  • Source: Freiberger Forschungshefte A 892, ISBN 978-3-86012-319-5 (2007), p. 107 - 113.
  • Abstract: Today a great number of modeling systems in mechanical engineering are being used, the gain of their using is obvious in comparison with experiments. One of these systems is a simulation system “PoligonCast”. This system allows improving some of the most important process variables not using of real casting, but using of computer modeling.


Numerical analysis of the heat transfer process and determination of the effective thermophysical properties of molding materials based on the construction of their structural models

  • Authors: O.A. Broitman.
  • Source: Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences (specialty “Foundry”), St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.
  • Abstract: The thermophysical properties of the mold have a significant impact on the process of casting formation. By changing the thermal conductivity and heat capacity of the molding sand, you can speed up or slow down the rate of heat removal from the casting and thereby affect its quality. Currently, in the field of foundry technology design, the direction of computer modeling of casting processes is actively developing.


Modeling of thermal and shrinkage processes during solidification of castings made of high-strength aluminum alloys and development of a system for computer analysis of foundry technology

  • Authors: M.D. Tikhomirov.
  • Source: Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (specialty “Foundry”).
  • Abstract: Special requirements are imposed on the properties of alloys operating in difficult or particularly critical conditions. In order to meet such requirements, alloy developers (including TsNIIM) have developed cast aluminum alloys with a wide range of chemical compositions, which belong to the group of so-called high-strength aluminum alloys: AL9M, AL24S, AL24P, VAL10, AL23-1, etc. .